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take advantage of opportunities造句

"take advantage of opportunities"是什么意思  
  • It is exactly the task of planning to minimize risk while taking advantage of opportunities .
  • Take advantage of opportunities which come your way
  • The course will take advantage of opportunities afforded by the internet
  • The more educated and richer a person is , the greater is the chance he or she will start a business to take advantage of opportunities
  • One significant difference between those who succeed and those who fail lies in the way how they take advantage of opportunities
  • The chelsea star said : “ it ' s important to take advantage of opportunities to experiment with the formation whenever you get the chance
    “这位切尔西的明星说:最重要的是当有机会的时候,我们要抓住这个机会去试验阵型。 ”
  • Take advantage of opportunities for near - term payback from automation , but be cautious when automating with the goal of short - term gains . cost - justify each additional test case , or group of test cases
  • For example , information about the current level and structure of asset holdings has value to users when they endeavour to predict the ability of the enterprise to take advantage of opportunities and its ability to react to adverse situations
  • With the deepening of economic globlization and coming of knowledge economic age , enterprise environment features such as change , complexity , improbability tend to be much clearer . the effectiveness of enterprise strategy implementation will be challenged seriously . especially to the enterprise of our nations , it is a strategic problem worth studying , on how to take advantage of opportunities and how to avoid threats after our nation ' s entrance to wto
  • I ' m not disputing that demand is very strong , but the whole idea of running an economy successfully is to have an industrial relations system that is flexible enough to accommodate industries that do particularly well , and that ' s the whole idea of our reforms , to give employers and employees the flexibility they need to take advantage of opportunities
  • It's difficult to see take advantage of opportunities in a sentence. 用take advantage of opportunities造句挺难的
  • Over time , the swap market has gained considerable sophistication and complexity , with market plays developed for different swap periods to take advantage of opportunities for profit , or market anomalies , as perceived by market participants . it has become a very efficient market with a high degree of liquidity
  • In order to take advantage of opportunities , meet the challenges and rejuvenate henan ' s industry , it is necessary to reengineer government , adjust foreign trade strategy , readjust and upgrade industrial structure , reform state - owned corporations , improve investment environments according the principles of wto
    加快政府职能转变,实行政企分开,调整外经贸发展战略,加快产业结构调整,加快国有企业改革,大力改善投资环境是河南直面wto ,把握机遇,迎接挑战,振兴河南工业的必由之路。
  • The requirements of ol are diverse at different stage in technological life cycle because of changing ed . considering the weak capabilities of ol , in earlier phase latecomers should take advantage of opportunity windows of mature stage entrance to start catching - up . but , with capabilities of ol increasing , latecomers should gradually transfer to the other opportunity windows of chaos stage entrance to leapfrog
如何用take advantage of opportunities造句,用take advantage of opportunities造句take advantage of opportunities in a sentence, 用take advantage of opportunities造句和take advantage of opportunities的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。